Since October 15, 2021
Carelessness costs!
Considering the fact that recently there have been a lot of notifications regarding the violation by some people of the legal provisions regarding the storage of waste and the maintenance of cleanliness in the public and private domain, the Department of Public Utilities, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Sector 1 will carry out actions to inform and raise awareness of the citizens of Sector 1 to maintain the cleanliness of waste storage spaces, green spaces, vacant lots, sidewalks and traffic arteries. According to the provisions of HCGMB no. 120/2010, for the approval of the sanitation and hygiene regulations of the Municipality of Bucharest, the Local Police Sector 1 will identify and sanction the persons who deposit waste on the public domain.
Obligations of individuals and legal entities
According to art. 1 of HCLS1 no. 238/2008 regarding the establishment, detection and sanctioning of contraventions in the field of sanitation services in the administrative area of Sector 1 of the Municipality of Bucharest and art. 9, para. 2 of Annex no. 1 of H.C.G.M.B no. 120/2010 for the approval of the sanitation and hygiene regulations of the Municipality of Bucharest, natural and legal persons have the following obligations:
Do you want a clean environment? Do not throw waste randomly on the public domain!